Bill Kutik and Adam Miller talk about the future of learning.

Another Great Interview from Bill Kutik. Bill talks to Adam Miller from Cornerstone OnDemand. A great conversation ensues around the future direction of learning and development. Couple of great ideas I took away:

"The future of about social, mobile and video." - Adam Miller

Over the last 20 years, e-learning has been driven by flash based courses. Flash and Mobile don't play well together. As a result, that content is becoming less and less relevant in a mobile world, without a complete overhaul.

With the advent of HD mobile devices, it is becoming easier and easier for end users to capture and create their own content.

"The future is 1-5 minute or 18 min videos" - Adam Miller

We'll see an ever increasing need for these mobile videos that will provide just in time performance support for employees. The goal is to reach workers when they need the information to be successful. This applies to both the "floor" worker and the desk bound worker.

Social learning will help support ongoing development - whether it be a community of practice, virtual "office hours", or group collaboration on a project.

"I've always thought that development was at the center of talent management for any organization." - Adam Miller

"...train the people that are not top performers and further develop people who are top performers to take on the next role." - Adam Miller

Great listen - Thanks to Bill Kutik and Adam Miller